Excerpts from The Universe Speaks!

Your thoughts are more real than anything else there. They truly create.

The nature of reality is living real. BEING true and speaking the truth out of a sincere heart CHANGES things.


People can easily convince themselves they’re something they are not. They are made in the Creator’s image. That inherently gives them the power and ability to create; therefore, they are in a manner of speaking the masters of their destiny. If people realized this they could change the course of their lives into anything they want.


The kingdom of Heaven is WITHIN.


People receive these messages all of the time but most ignore them as a stray thought or their imagination.


You must have an intense desire, a passion even to achieve enlightenment. What many consider enlightenment is merely knowledge. Enlightenment is walking IN the light.


The whole foundation of everything that means anything is truth. Nothing is more absolute, no footing firmer. The truth is the beginning and the end, yet it has no end nor beginning—that’s the truth.


ANYthing you want is here. It just IS and there’s no end to all you can do here. One is NEVER tired but filled with hope and a sense of Purpose….. There is no within or without. There is no sorrow, pain or suffering. Here you are totally, absolutely and completely fulfilled. No thing missing. Everything that there is, is here to behold—beauty unspeakable. Words just fail.

You are part of everything. You are connected with all things, with all there is.


Matters not whether they believe they are creative beings or not, the fact is they ARE, therefore they ARE going to create no matter WHAT they believe.


There is no age, a person’s “essence,” what they really are, is without time. Time OUT OF MIND. The age you speak of is an outward appearance or a chronological timeline. It doesn’t exist here. It is realized as a concept, to be used here to put things in context to be understood there.

Death, as you SEE it, is real. Death, as you UNDERSTAND it, is a myth, a concept. This misunderstanding is what hurts the most.


Perfect logic is perfect. The problem with logic is people’s imperfect use of it, which is of course illogical becoming the exact opposite. Yet some cling to their view with a tenacity that’s nearly unbelievable.
